Construction of a Highway to the north without passing the Menorah Tunnel is being considered

Auto News
Soveena | 18-03-2021 10:30 AM

A new line of highways is said to be built to connect Gopeng to Kuala Kangsar as an alternative route without going through the Menora Tunnel on the North-South Highway.

As mentioned by the Perak Menteri Besar, Datuk Saarani Mohamad, the proposal submitted by a construction company was being considered as a measure to reduce congestion and reduce the rate of accidents that often occur near the Menora Tunnel.

“The construction of the proposed road does not involve financing state government expenditure in the form of private financing initiatives (PFIs).

"We really need to build a new highway line that is a shortcut to Kuala Kangsar without going through the Menora Tunnel," he said during a press conference. 

Datuk Saarani said that the alignment proposed by the construction company was from the Gopeng exit to Kuala Kangsar.

"We also have a proposed route that may be a little different, the route is not yet final but the state government has no obstacles, in fact we support the proposal.

"However, it does not mean that we are to close the tunnel, only that this new road can help to avoid congestion or shortcuts in the event of an accident in the Menorah Tunnel," he said.

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