17 Deaths Of P-Hailing Riders Last Year, MIROS Reveals the Dangerous Actions Made by Some Riders

Auto News
Amelia | 19-04-2021 05:00 PM

The PDRM Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (JSPT) revealed that a total of 17 p-hailing motorcyclists were involved in an accident that resulted in fatalities last year.

JSPT director, Azisman Alias ​​said, in 2019, a total of 3,959 deaths involving motorcycle users were recorded compared to 2020 with the number of deaths of 3,118, showing a decrease of 21 percent.

"For accidents involving p-hailing motorcycles, in 2019 recorded one death and five minor injuries compared to 2020 recorded 17 deaths, 10 serious injuries and 64 minor injuries," he said in a statement today.

A p-hailing survey was conducted by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research and as a result, it is found that 70 percent of riders were riding dangerously especially during peak hours. 

The survey also found that among the risky actions taken by p-hailing riders are such as stopping at yellow squares or pedestrian crossings, violating red traffic lights, using mobile phones on the road, going against the traffic and making illegal U-turns.

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