A Car Exploded After Being Struck By Lightning

Auto News
TH Goh | 21-05-2021 10:45 PM

A man was found dead in a horrible condition when the car he was driving was struck by lightning.

The incident that took place at Jalan Pintu Geng, Kampung Sireh, Kota Bahru, this afternoon caused the victim's Proton Iswara Aeroback to split in two, while part of the victim's body was flung 20 meters from the scene.

According to some local media, the vehicle that was struck by lightning also happened to be carrying firecrackers.

The horrific incident caused a big explosion that affected several other vehicles. So far, four other victims have been reported injured.

All the victims were rushed to the Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital (HRPZ II) for treatment.

Meanwhile, pictures that were widely posted on Facebook showed that some victims were seen covered in blood while five other vehicles that were at the scene caught fire.

Kelantan police chief Datuk Shafien Mamat said they did not rule out the possibility that the big explosion was also caused by the vehicle carrying firecrackers.

"The fire brigade found fragments of firecrackers at the scene. Further investigations are still being carried out under Section 8 of the Explosives Act,” he said.

Meanwhile, some witnesses described the loud bang as a bomb blast. The incident is considered one of the worst in the area.

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