A Virtual Stem Series Launched by Mercedes-Benz Malaysia & Petrosains, The Discovery Centre

Auto News
Jesica Sendai | 18-02-2022 03:30 PM

A programme called “The Vision of an Electric Future and Sustainable Mobility for Tomorrow” has gathered secondary and tertiary students to share their deep insights on responsible energy planning towards better living on Virtual STEM Series.

“Any disruption of this equilibrium leads to environment and societal challenges that directly affects health and well-being, as well as economic sustainability.” stated by the chief executive officer of Petrosains Sdn. Bhd, Ezarisma Azni Mohamad.

During the programme, the participants get to join a session with experts on the vision of electric future, covering future technology, efforts in combating climate change and sustainable living.

The initiative was a collaboration between Mercedes-Benz and Petrosains, The Discovery Centre where the Virtual STEM Series was made to develop High Order Thinking Skills (HOT) to practice creative thinking skills among students.

Participants are given a chance to make a pitch and produce prototypes. If any tertiary student wins, they get to earn a six-month internship spot with Mercedes-Benz Malaysia.

On the sidenote, Mercedes-Benz Malaysia has started its local EV planning by introducing the EQ range anytime soon this year.

“In a rapidly evolving world, a sustainable future must be envisioned and ensured via responsible energy planning and development globally.” said CEO and president of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, Ms Sagree Sardien.

Starting 2039, Mercedes-Benz will only produce production materials that are CO2-neutral at all stages of the value chain.

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