Android vs iOS: Study Reveals Android Users Are Better Driver?

Auto News
Jesica Sendai | 11-05-2022 04:30 PM

Jerry, a car insurance comparison platform has conducted an analysis related to the driving habits of 20,000 U.S. residents with the goal of finding out which groups drive safer based on the mobile devices used.

“Jerry analyzed data collected from 20,000 drivers who used 13 million kilometres of roads over a 14 -day period,” the report explained.


The analysis is divided into six categories, namely driving safety, speeding, interference, turning, braking and acceleration.

The collected results are then broken down into the type of smartphone operating system used as well as various other demographic characteristics.

According to the findings, Android users outperform Apple in every category with analysis results that reveal that Google users drive safer than iPhones.

To make it more interesting, Android users managed to overtake Apple users regardless of thier age, gender, marital status, and education.

Jerry's study also revealed that Android users are more open and honest than the iPhone. In addition, the study found that Android users are not as attracted to luxury as the iPhone.

Android users show less interest in breaking the rules, this shows they have a higher level of awareness and honesty.

An iPhone user on the other hand is less consistent and hard to anticipate. They are prone to emit higher levels of emotion.


Nonetheless, there is a reason behind this data. Studies have found that the average iPhone user is likely to be younger than Android. The age factor plays a big role as young drivers are more courageous to take risks. 

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